The Benefits of Journaling at School

Inset Work-shop at Northlands

The Benefits of Journaling at School

The Benefits of Journaling at School

Within the framework of Northlands educating Northlands workshops given on Friday 12th February in Olivos, I offered a talk on the benefits of journaling to enhance learning and personal development within the school curriculum

Teachers who encourage journaling within the curriculum will form a team for research on the subject. Gladly will we inform future results of the experience undertaken in 2015.

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Enviado por Silvia Munton
Silvia Munton
Psicóloga, egresada de la UBA, con formación transpersonal y humanística-existencial. Da talleres de Escrito-terapia grupal e individual. Atiende por privado en San Isidro y en la modalidad On-line a toda persona que lo requiera. Privilegia un vínculo de confianza con sus pacientes favoreciendo así la apertura, la indagación y el ensayo de nuevos recursos con las cuales desarrollarse en la vida.

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