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De-Stress by Keeping a Journal The Benefits of Journaling Sheila Patel, in her article in the Chopra Centered Lifestyle Newsletter states one of the 7 simple ways to de-stress is by ...  keeping a journal Keep a Journal One of the best tools to reduce stress is journaling. Studies have found that writing about stressful events improves ...
De-Stress by Keeping a Journal The Benefits of Journaling Sheila Patel, in her article in the Chopra Centered Lifestyle Newsletter, states one of the 7 simple ways to de-stress is ...  keeping a journal Keep a Journal One of the best tools to reduce stress is journaling. Studies have found that writing about stressful events improves ...


20 Consignas de Otoño  qué consisten las consignas? Los disparadores son de propia creación, algunas adaptadas de propuestas de Journaling de diversos autores ...
Presentación libro ESCRIBIR, CREAR, SANAR  -Escritora Liliana Doyle, prof. en Lengua y Literatura -Valeria Lasala Garrahan quien utiliza Journaling en escuelas -Patricia Fagundez, especialista ...
The Benefits of Journaling at School  given on Friday 12th February in Olivos, I offered a talk on the benefits of journaling to enhance learning and personal development within the school ...  and personal development within the school curriculum Teachers who encourage journaling within the curriculum will form a team for research on the ...

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