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As you write, you are paving your way to Heaven

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Therapies Face to face Psychotherapy - Virtual Psychotherapy - Written Therapy From a holistic perspective, we attend inquiries from people seeking counseling ...  using the application called Skype for this purpose, and as an additional mode, Written Therapy, which is carried out in a meeting space granted by ...

Site contents

De-Stress by Keeping a Journal  your private notes aren’t accidentally found or read by others, a ritual of shredding (or deleting) what was written is an excellent way to give ...
De-Stress by Keeping a Journal  that your private notes aren’t accidentally found or read by others, a ritual of shredding (or deleting) what was written is an excellent way to ...
Face to face and On-Line Psychotherapy  Psychotherapy whether in a private office, or on-line, either using Skype or through written therapy. The latter is a method which allows you to carry ...
So many words. What for?  feeling of dissolving into the primitive substance from where we have all come. Written therapy is an invitation to allow words to flow, from the ...
Fees Fees Written therapy: monthly subscription U$S 80 Virtual Psychotherapy: monthly subscription: U$S 80 comentario Face to face psychotherapy in Buenos ...  Buenos Aires: each session: U$S 30 Combined Sessions: Monthly subscription for Written Therapy plus Skype once a week: U$S 120 Monthly subscription ...
Written Therapy (Escritoterapia) Written therapy: another method for self-awareness What is written therapy about? This is a private space where the consultant and the client can ...  fluency of one's own production when no one is looking can be surprising. Why is written therapy useful? Written therapy can liberate, clarify, bring ...
Licenciada Silvia Munton  and stimulates a personal transformation process. I have henceforth developed written therapy as a tool for deeper understanding of oneself in the ...

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