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RAINBOW SKY RAINBOW SKY I love the morning dawn As I leave the dream world, Dog on leash Into a simmering black and white. Objects stand out in their forms ... its promise ‘gainst the seeping cold of evaporating dew. Pigeons cooing, the world is awakening Announcing the brightness which is always there. ...
Springboard Springboard I am like a rubber-band I love to be out in the world But the more I stretch out The greater the urge to come back home. Home to myself To ...
The Game of Time The Game of Time The world is moving ’round in circles I feel the stress signs on my brow the heart beats anguishing my chest the acid puncturing my ...
So many words. What for? work for example; the sound of a bird singing may call our attention to other worlds beyond the human environment; a friend’s hug, without a ... lives, and even though it might be a clumsy and partial way of relating to the world, it is the way we as human beings have of leaving our foot-prints ...
Contraction Dissolve under the hot massage Drain out beneath the shower Flow out into the world. Hard-rounded ball of stone Release yourself into pebbles. ...
Licenciada Silvia Munton and accompanying old people. In 1989 our team presented a research paper in the II World Congress on Logotherapy held in Kansas, USA, based on the ...
Doors to evolution of anger or frustration or bewilderment, doors beckon us to a haven when the world has become too demanding or wearying or threatening and enclose us ...