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When you feel you cannot sleep, turn on the light and write

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About Us Introduction - Therapists - Information on Professionals
Therapies  a meeting space granted by this web page private only to the client and the therapist. For this last method it is not necessary to keep a fixed ...

Site contents

Face to face and On-Line Psychotherapy  The latter is a method which allows you to carry a journal shared with your therapist, who will write back on a daily basis. Please use our Contact ...
Face to face Psychotherapy  This will depend on the reason for consulting and the agreement which both therapist and patient come to as to the aim of the process. A therapy which ...
Privacy & Viability  name and password in order to ensure confidentiality. No other user except the therapist can see what one writes in his own diary. There is a section ...
Written Therapy (Escritoterapia)  the consultant and the client can meet: the author writes his diary and the therapist reads and reflects on it. Traditional therapy is not necessarily ...  Página en Blanco is used as an electronic diary, only that it is shared by the therapist. The fact that there is somebody on the other side who will ...

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