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Writing makes distance disappear

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Face to face Psychotherapy  are questioning their existence and need an active listener to accompany the evolutionary process. People who are unstable, anxious, who are seeking a ...
Written Therapy (Escritoterapia)  makes the process more effective still, acting as a powerful lense to one's own evolution and transformation. Although it may be thought not to be ...
Doors to evolution Doors Extract from Val Clery's photographic book: Doors "If windows are the eyes of a house, a door is its mouth. Windows are passive, doors are active. Through windows we glimpse what is ...


Taller en Puertas Abiertas San Isidro “Puertas” fue nuestro tema en ocasión de las Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas que organizara la Municipalidad de San Isidro durante el mes de mayo. En la Casa de Arte, Av. Centenario 1258, San ...

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